Tempa Lama talk on Preciousness of living life

Photo Galleries → Tempa Lama talk on Preciousness of living life


  • Dsc_0725
    Tempa Lama giving talk on preciousness of life
    Allegheny Collage February 24th 2012
  • Dsc_0722
    Tempa Lama giving talk
    February 24th
  • Dsc_0705
    Tempa Lam giving talk
    Preciousness of living life
  • Dsc_0721
    Tempa Lama reading a paragraph from his book The Intimate Mind
  • Dsc_0751
    Talk Preciousnes of living life by tempa lama
    Allegheny Collage, Meadville
  • Dsc_0728
    Audience at the talk
    February 24th 2012
  • Dsc_0758
    Jim offering closing words
  • Dsc_0759
    Tempa lama with the audience at the end of talk
  • Dsc_0762
    Tempa talking with participiants
    Talk on preciousness of life
  • Dsc_0764
    I had a wondeful evening
    Allegheny Collage, Meadville. Feb. 24th 2012


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