Olmo Ling Retreat and Teaching Schedule

August 2024

Weekends Through: Saturday, August 3rd - September 15th, 2024 Fourfold Instruction of Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Dzogchen Series
with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche

In this extended summer Dzogchen series, brothers Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will give detailed teachings and practice instructions on the view and practice of Dzogchen according to the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud lineage of Bon.

Sat. August 3 - Sun. August 4, 2024 from 9:30AM - 4:00PM and 9:30AM - 1:00PM Chi Tawa Chi Cho | Outer Instruction: The View of Dzogchen
with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche

Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will explain the heart essence of the Dzogchen view according to Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud. The reason why we have to understand the Dzogchen view first before engaging in practice is that the view is like a palace.

Sat. August 17 - Sun. August 18, 2024 from 9:30AM - 4:00PM and 9:30AM - 1:00PM Nang Men Ngag Mar Tri | Inner Instruction: The Essential Instruction
with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche

Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will explain the heart essence of Todgal with the practice of the Six Lamps. The main practice of Dzogchen consists of Todgal and Trek Chod. Todgal is the development of vision practice in Dzogchen. Through Todgal practice with the Six Lamps, we first point out where intrinsic awareness abides. Second, we clarify which path intrinsic awareness follows and through which door it exits. Finally, we point out in what form intrinsic awareness appears.

Sat. August 31 - Sun. Sept 1, 2024 from 9:30AM - 4:00PM and 9:30AM - 1:00PM Sang Wa Rigpa Cher Tong | Secret Instruction: The Recognition of Pure Awareness
with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche

Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will explain the heart essence of pure awareness according to the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Dzogchen transmission. Through this instruction the pure, intrinsic awareness is pointed out with the practice of the eightfold quintessential instructions.

September 2024

Sat. Sept 14 - Sun. Sept 15, 2024 from 9:30AM - 4:00PM and 9:30AM - 1:00PM Yang Sang Ne Luk Puk Cho | Innermost Instruction: The Realization of the Natural State
with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche

Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will point out the ultimate essence of the natural state through the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud practice of the Twenty-one Nails.

October 2024

Sat Oct 23, Sun Oct 24, Sat Nov 6, Sun Nov 7, Sat Nov 13 and Sun Nov 14, 9:30am-12:30pm ET Clairvoyance Mirror of Srid rGyal of the Six Times 2021
Extended Teaching on Bon Divination with Tempa Lama via Zoom
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